Cardiff council must divest from fossil fuels Updated for 2025

Updated: 22/02/2025

Cardiff Friends of the Earth have reiterated their call for the Cardiff and Vale Local Authority Pension Fund to divest its holdings in fossil fuel companies.

The group have recently conducted online polls on social media which found that 97 percent of people on Twitter who took the poll wanted Cardiff Council to make divestment from fossil fuel companies a priority following the Council’s own declaration of a climate emergency.

A Facebook poll was even more overwhelming with 99 percent of respondents wanting divestment now to be a priority.

Climate emergency

All this comes in the week that the Cardiff and Vale Pension Committee have discussed a report on divestment.

Cardiff Friends of the Earth spokesperson, Bryony Haynes, said: “It is heartening to see the Cardiff and Vale Pension Fund is finally discussing divesting from fossil fuel companies.

“In the face of impending climate and ecological emergencies, words now need to turn into action.

“The pension fund has tens of millions of pounds invested in climate wrecking fossil fuel companies.

“Cardiff Council must divest from these fossil fuel companies now. You can’t declare a climate emergency and carry on investing in the very companies that are responsible for the climate crisis.  

“We look forward to hearing that this pension fund is now actually going to divest and has an actual timeline to do so.”

This Author

Marianne Brooker is The Ecologist’s content editor. This article is based on a press release from Friends of the Earth. 

Image: Elliot Brown, Flickr

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