Updated: 24/02/2025
The echo from the streets of Europe and beyond is ‘system change, not climate change’. When climate activist Greta Thunberg met European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, she told him to talk to the experts, but what should they say?
We, over 200 system change experts from academia, civil society and cities, have some answers. Last autumn, a group of 238 scientists and 90.000 citizens asked for an end to Europe’s growth dependency and at a Growth in Transition conference in Vienna we made this more concrete. We look beyond increasing GDP towards a positive plan for a post-growth economy.
Our three key leverage points on how to launch a transition towards a thriving society within planetary boundaries advise policy-makers at European, national, regional and municipal levels on ways to confront the still worsening triple crisis of climate change, mass extinction and inequality.
Let’s be honest. Neither the Paris Agreement nor the Aichi Biodiversity Targets nor the current tax regimes are capable of dealing with these existential threats. As a group of scientists just wrote in Science: “The current measures for protecting the climate and biosphere are deeply inadequate”.
Deep changes are not only needed, but also wanted. A recent and massive poll taken all over Europe showed that a majority of Europeans now consider that the environment should be a priority – even at the expense of growth.
Broad agreement was found on three major systemic changes. These three leaps are not excluding other solutions, but they all three are urgent, possible, needed, wanted and game-changing. They do require a visionary mindset and a can-do attitude. They require a mindshift away from incremental thinking, the mindset that has brought us to this point of crisis.
1) Dethrone King GDP, elect WELLBEING
People want to thrive in a living world. Policies catering to GDP growth often sacrifice people and planet alike, while policies towards well-being help us heal.
Prosperity without growth is possible. Growth by over-exploitation of resources, safety shortcuts and pollution drive both people and planet to burnouts. Examples from Bhutan to New Zealand and Barcelona show that putting social and environmental progress before GDP really works.
Demands to the European Commission:
- Turn the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) into a Sustainability and Wellbeing Pact (SWP).
- Change from “Jobs, growth and investment“ to “Wellbeing, jobs and sustainability“
- Establish a DG for Wellbeing and Future Generations led by the first vice-president
Demands to countries, regions and municipalities:
- Create a wellbeing and future generations portfolio at the heart of governance
2) From TAX HAVENS for the few to REDISTRIBUTION for the many
Tax wealth more and labour less. Tax pollution progressively and stop subsidising it.
Two post-war decades of +-90% top income tax rates in US & UK became a rate (far) under 50% now. Most EU countries followed, leaving the rich off the hook. As a result, inequality has been rising steadily and a growing feeling of (tax) injustice has spilled into social unrest and populism. The Gilets Jaunes uprising in France showed that you can’t tax pollution without a fair taxation system. Subsidies supporting pollution and resource overuse need to end immediately and pollution/carbon taxes must be used to promote welfare for the poorest.
- Set top income tax rates above 80% for redistribution to low- & middle-income families.
- Tax air travel for redistribution to better and low to zero-cost public transport.
- Launch progressive carbon and resource taxes at the source and redistribute.
- Provide tax incentives for the use of recycled materials.
3) EFFICIENT products are good, SUFFICIENT solutions are great
Efficiency gains are important, but only the beginning of the solution.
Social and cultural exclusion can undo efficiency gains. We don’t need to sell more products, we need sufficient solutions that are long-lasting. Some companies already sell the service of having light, instead of the product of a light bulb, reversing the incentive from planned obsolescence to long lasting products. Barcelona’s zero-waste strategy includes advanced separate waste collection systems with smart waste containers to identify users and reduce residual waste as well as boost biowaste catchment – going much further than awareness raising, prevention, and support for reuse.
- Support the development of better business models like the product-service economy.
- Implement zero waste strategies at all governance levels following the waste management hierarchy for operations and extended producers’ responsibility schemes.
- Decrease the VAT on labour-intensive services such as repairing.
- Leap from efficiency to sufficiency policies to make sustainable lifestyles the default.
These Authors
The six first signatories lead the drafting of this letter. All signatories come from academia, civil society and city governments.
Nick Meynen, Policy Officer Environmental and Economic justice, European Environmental Bureau
Maria Langsenlehner, Project Associate, EU-Umweltbüro
Kate Raworth, Author of Doughnut Economics
Patrick ten Brink, EU Policy Director, European Environmental Bureau
Toni Ribas Bravo, Ecology Group Coordinator, Barcelona en Comú
Halliki Kreinin, Research Assistant, Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Dr Jason Hickel, Anthropologist, University of London
Dr Katherine Trebeck, Policy & Knowledge Lead, Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Dr Lorenzo Fioramonti, Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dr Federico Demaria, Ecological Economist, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Dr Dan O’Neill, Associate Professor in Ecological Economics, University of Leeds
Dr. Marta Conde, President Researc & Degowth, Researcher Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Dr. Claudio Cattaneo Senior Researcher, Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Brno Czech Republic
Riccardo Mastini, PhD Candidate in Ecological Economics and Political Ecology, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Dr. Christian Kerschner, Assistant Professor Modul University Vienna, AT and Masaryk University Brno CZ
Dr Giorgos Kallis, ICREA Professor, Ecological Economist, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Dr Petter Næss, Professor of Planning in Urban Regions, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
John Barry, Professor of Green Political Economy Queen’s University Belfast
Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel, Political Economist and System Innovation scholar, University of Leuphana
Dr. Christoph Gran, Senior Economist, ZOE. Institute for Future-Fit Economies
Jonathan Barth, Economist, ZOE. Institute for Future-Fit Economies;
Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott, University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany
Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger, SERI Sustainable Europe Research Institute and University of Applied Arts Vienna
Kate Soper, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, London Metropolitan University
Prof. Jean Gadrey, Economist, University of Lille, France
Prof. Kate Pickett, Epidemiologist and University Champion for Justice & Equality, University of York
Vincent Liegey, co-author of A Degrowth Project, engineer, consultant and interdisciplinary researcher, France / Hungary.
Dr. Miklós Antal, Ecological Economist, University of Leeds
Dr. Stefania Barca, senior researcher, Center for Social Studies – University of Coimbra
Dr. Andreas Novy, associate professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Mauro gallegati, prof economics, univ politecnica marche, ancona
Dr. Alexandra Köves, ecological economist, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Frank Moulaert, KU Leuven, Belgium
Julien-François Gerber, Assist. Prof. in Environment and Development, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands
Elgars Felcis, sustainability scientist, University of Latvia and chairman of Latvian Permaculture association
Dr. Janis Brizga, NGO Green Liberty, Latvia
Prof. Tor A. Benjaminsen, human geographer, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Dr. Nadia Johanisova, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Mihnea Tanasescu, Research Fellow in Political Ecology, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) at the Free University of Brussels (VUB)
Dr Eeva Houtbeckers, postdoctoral researcher, Aalto University, Finland
Fabricio Bonilla, Happiness Economics Researcher, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Dr Paul Ariès, authors of Degrowth or barbarity, director of the International “Observatoire de la Gratuité” (OIG), France
Dr Ivo Ponocny, Full Professor at MODUL University Vienna, Austria
Timothée Parrique, PhD Candidate in Political Economy. University of Clermont Auvergne (CERDI) and Stockholm University (SRC)
Dr. Matthias Schmelzer, researcher at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and at Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie
Dr. Dennis Eversberg, Junior research group leader, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Jan Blažek, Doctoral student in Environmental Humanities, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Alevgul Sorman, Ikerbasque Research Fellow, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
Lilian Pungas, Research Assistant and PhD candidate, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Dr. Barry McMullin, Full Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland
Dr. Melanie Pichler, senior researcher, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Dr. Manuel González de Molina, Professor. Agroecosystems History Lab, Seville, Spain
Prof. Brent Bleys, Ecological Economist, Ghent University, Belgium
Christian Dorninger, PhD-candidate, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, and Konrad-Lorenz-Institute Klosterneuburg, Austria
Dr Panos Petridis, Researcher, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
Dr François Briens, Researcher in socio-ecological economy and prospective studies, France
Dr. Martin Fritz, Researcher at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany
Dr. Vivian Price, Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies, Coordinator, Labor Studies, California State University, Dominguez Hils, California, USA
Dr Max Koch, Professor in Social Policy, Lund University, Sweden.
Logan Strenchock, Environmental and Sustainability Officer, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Matteo Villa, Associate Professor in Economic Sociology, University of Pisa
Ernest Aigner, PhD candidate, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Dr Lidija Živčič, Expert, Focus Association for Sustainable Development, Slovenia
Orsolya Lazányi, PhD candidate in ecological economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Erik Gomez-Baggethun, Professor in Environmental Governance, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway
Dr. Laura Horn, Associate Professor in Global Political Economy, Roskilde University, Denmark
Philippe Defeyt, Chairman, Institute for Sustainable Development, Belgium
Jacques Grinevald, Emeritus Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), Geneva
Dr Thomas Smith, Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Inge Røpke, Professor of Ecological Economics, Aalborg University, Denmark
Lucie Sovová, PhD candidate at the Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic and Rural Sociology group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Dr. Hervé Corvellec, Professor of Management, Lund University, Sweden
Dr Hubert Buch-Hansen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Dr Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Lecturer, Lund University, Sweden
Dr Moira Nelson, Associate Professor, Lund University, Sweden
Dr György Pataki, Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Dr Alexander Paulsson, Lecturer, Lund University, Sweden
Dr Timothée Duverger, Associate Professor, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France
Prof. Francesco Gonella, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Dr Christos Zografos, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Dr Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom BS, France
François Jarrige, Historian, University of Burgundy, France
Dr Tuula Helne, Senior researcher, Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland), Helsinki
Dr Anna Heikkinen, Senior Research Fellow, Tampere University, Finland
Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, Political scientist, University of Kassel, Germany
Dr Jens Friis Lund, professor of Political Ecology, University of Copenhagen
Dr Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, assistant professor, Roskilde University
Dr Mladen Domazet, Research director, Institute for Political Ecology, Zagreb, Croatia
Edina Vadovics, Research director, GreenDependent Institute, Hungary
Olivier Malay, Researcher in economics, University of Louvain, Belgium
Ajda Pistotnik, Independent Researcher, EnaBanda, Slovenia
Dr Fausto Gusmeroli – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Dr Ray Cunningham, Green House Think Tank, UK
Dr Janne I. Hukkinen, Professor of Environmental Policy, University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr Guy Julier, Professor of Design Leadership, Aalto University, Finland
Dr Lassi Linnanen, Professor of Environmental Management, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Finland
Piotr Barczak, Polish Zero Waste Association, Institute for Circular Economy, European Environmental Bureau, Poland
Philipp von Gehren, Researcher, Austrian Agency for Health & Food Safety
Dr Pasi Heikkurinen, Lecturer in Management, University of Helsinki, Finland; Adjunct Professor of Sustainability and Organizations, Aalto University, Helsinki; Visiting Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK
Dr Toni Ruuska, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland
Ana Poças Ribeiro, PhD Candidate on Sustainable Consumption at Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
Kristoffer Wilén, Doctoral student, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Dr. Jean-Louis Aillon, M.D., Phd Candidate in Anthropology and Psychology (Università di Genova, Italy)
Dr. Tuuli Hirvilammi, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Prof. Dr. Ernst Worrell, Professor Energy & Resources, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Dr Anne Chapman, Co-chair, Green House Think Tank, UK
Nigel Cohen, Economist, Inclusivity Project, UK
Dr Andrew Mearman, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Leeds, UK; and Green House Think Tank.
Sigrid Stagl, Professor of Environmental Economics & Policy, WU – Vienna University of Economics, Inst Ecol Econ, Austria
Jennifer Hinton, Researcher,, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden
Madis Vasser, Board member, NGO Estonian Green Movement, Estonia
Dr Miłosława Stępień, independent researcher, Poland
Prof.Bożena Ryszawska, Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
Marcin Popkiewicz, physycist, Warsaw University, Poland. Author of ‘World at the Crossroads’, ‘Energy Revolution. But why?’ and ’Climate Science’
Jakub Rok, PhD candidate in economics, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr Weronika Parfianowicz, Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr Łukasz Drozda, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr Maciej Kassner, Institute of Philosophy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
Dr Andrzej Tarłowski, Faculty of Psychology, University of Economics and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland
Dr Michał Czepkiewicz, Post-Doc researcher, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iceland
Dr Maciej Grodzicki, Institute of Economics, Finance and Management, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Angelina Kussy, Predoctoral Researcher, Dep. of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Prof. Piotr Skubała, soil ecologist, University of Silesia, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Poland
Dr hab. Wiktor Kotowski, wetland ecologist, Professor at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology, Poland
Dr Zofia Prokop, evolutionary ecologist, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology, Poland
Dr hab. Łukasz Michalczyk, evolutionary biologist, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Eliza Kondzior, PhD student in Biology, Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr Barbara Pietrzak, ecologist, assistant professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Kasia Piwosz, aquatic microbial ecologist, Scientist, Institute of Microbiology Czech Academy of Sciences,
Dr. Anna Urbanowicz, molecular biologist, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Poland
Mateusz Leźnicki, researcher in Philosophy of Law, PhD candidate, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Legal Studies, Poland
Dr. Piotr Zieliński, evolutionary biologist, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Dr. Piotr Bentkowski, Inserm / Sorbonne Université, Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique,
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Rykowski Forest Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Dr hab. Agnieszka Pajdak-Stós, aquatic microbial ecologist, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Dr hab Paweł Koperski, hydrobiologist, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof dr hab. Jan Marcin Węsławski, marine ecologist, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr hab. Anna Muszewska, biologist, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr Barbara Stępień, postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics,
Jakub Kronenberg, Social-Ecological Systems Analysis Lab at University of Lodz, and the Sendzimir Foundation, Poland
Paweł Koteja, biologist, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Dr Michał Pałasz, Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Dr Mateusz Płóciennik, assistant professor (ecology, palaeoclimatology), Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Jan R.E. Taylor, ecologist and ecophysiologist, Institute of Biology, University of Białystok, Poland
Dr Ernst von Kimakowitz, Direktor, Humanistic Management Center; Humanistic Management Network, Switzerland
Dr hab. Karol Zub, Associate Professor, Mammal Research Institute PAS, Białowieża, Poland
Igor Siedlecki, biologist, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Dr Joanna Tusznio, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Krakow, Poland
Dr hab. Łukasz Kaczmarek, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Jan Kozłowski, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Łukasz Berlik, independent researcher, Natural Society of Opole Voivodeship, Poland
Dr Beata Czyż, ecologist, University of Wrocław, Poland
Dr hab. Maria Niklińska, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Anna Gromada, Social and Economic Policy Advisor, the Kalecki Foundation, the UN and the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Jacek M. Szymura, biologist, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Anna Hauler, PhD candidate, hydrobiologist, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr Maria J. Golab, ecologist, Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Paulina Kramarz, evolutionary ecologist, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Krakow, Poland
Alek Rachwald, forest ecologist, Forest Ecology Department, Forest Research Institute, Raszyn, Poland
Elisa Plazio, PhD student in Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Krakow, Poland
Dr Justyna Kierat, melittologist and evolutionary biologist, independent environmental educator, Krakow, Poland
Dr hab. Krzysztof Pabis, marine ecologist, entomologist, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland
Bogusław Pawłowski, prof., biological anthropologist, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Poland
Dr Jerzy Parusel, Upper Silesian Nature Heritage Centre, Katowice, Poland
Dr Aleksandra Walczyńska, evolutionary biologist, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Prof. dr Andrzej Dyrcz, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Kamil Bartoń, ecologist, Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Assoc. Prof. Tymon Zieliński, Institute of Oceanology PAN, Poland
Jan Sowa, Ph.D., member of Committee of Cultural Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr hab. Władysław Polcyn, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Michał Grabowski, Faculty of Biology & Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Poland
Dr Rafał Ruta, biologist, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Poland
Prof. Wiesław Babik, biologist, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Elżanowski, biologist, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Jukka Heinonen, University of Iceland
Dr hab. Ewa Bińczyk, prof. UMK, Faculty of Humanities, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Prof. Michal Woyciechowski, evolutionary biologist, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Dr hab. Sławomir Mitrus, Institute of Biology, University of Opole, Poland
Dr Mateusz Iskrzyński, physicist (postdoc), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Dr hab. eng. Marcin Kadej, biologist, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Poland
Dr. Adam Ostolski, sociologist, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Poland
Marta Połeć, Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Dr Bartłomiej Gołdyn, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.
Dr Zygmunt Dajdok, biologist, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Poland
Kornelia Sobczak, PhD Candidate, Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. dr. Dariusz Tarnawski, Institute of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wroclaw, Poland
prof. dr hab. Monika Kostera, Jagiellonian University and Södertörn University, Poland
Dr. Romina Martin, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
Dr. Krzysztof Kujawa, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr Ryszard Kulik, Workshop for All Beings, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Edward Gwóźdź, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Hanna Kmita, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan Poland
Dr Sarah Cornell, associate professor, sustainability sciences, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden
Helena Norberg-Hodge, author of Ancient Futures, co-director of The Economics of Happiness, founder and director of Local Futures,
Anja Lyngbaek, Associate Programmes Director, Local Futures, Denmark
Edward Langham, Research Fellow, Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, Bristol, UK
Julian Jones, Distinguished Fellow, Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, Bristol, UK
Richard Hellen, Director, Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, Bristol, UK
Dr Martin Oetting, Managing Director, Omnipolis Media, Berlin, Germany
Dr Luca Coscieme, Research Fellow, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Ingo Fetzer, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Arthur Perrotton, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Bengi Akbulut, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Dr Tim Daw, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Drago Župarić-Iljić, Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb
Dr. Ivan Murray, Ecological Economic Geographer, University of the Balearic Islands
Dr.sc. Jelena Puđak, Institute of social sciencies Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia
Andro Rilović, Research Assistant, Institute for Political Ecology, Zagreb, Croatia
Tomislav Medak, PhD Candidate, University of Coventry, UK
Dr Marija Brajdić Vuković, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dr Karin Doolan, University of Zadar, Croatia
Jere Kuzmanić, Assistant, Department of Urban Planning, , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Geodesy, University of Split, Croatia
Prof. Dr Susana Paixao, Environmental Health Specialist, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal
Jan Mayrhofer, Policy Officer, European Youth Forum
Predrag Momčilović, PhD Candidate and researcher, Platform for theory and practice of commons, Belgrade, Serbia
Sara Fromm, Research & Degrowth, Barcelona, Spain
Dr Susan George, President of the Transnational Institute, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Lisa Hough-Stewart, Communications and Mobilisation lead at Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Dr Jorge Riechmann, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Dr Giacomo D’Alisa, Center for Social Studies University of Coimbra
Dr Richard Lane, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
Dr Eva Friman, Director & Researcher, Swedesd, Uppsala University
Dr Tim Jackson, Professor, University of Surrey, UK
Jonas Van der Slycken, PhD Candidate in economics, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr Monica Verbeek, Executive Director, Seas At Risk
Arnaud Schwartz, National secretary of France Nature Environnement & member of the European Economic and Social Committee
Michel Dubromel, President of France Nature Environnement
Jeremie Fosse, President, eco-union, Spain
Iñigo Capellán-Pérez, researcher at the University of Valladolid, Spain
Dr Leho Tedersoo, Research Professor, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr Mart Külvik, Professor in Biodiversity and Environmental Planning, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
Dr Mihkel Kangur, Senior Researcher of Paleoecology, Tallinn University, President of Estonian Geographical Society, Estonia
Dr Aleksander Pulver, Lecturer, School of Natural Sciences and Health, Tallinn University, Estonia
Prof. John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Maynooth University, Ireland
Dr Triin Vihalemm, Professor Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr Irmak Ertör, Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), Spain