January Cover Updated for 2025

Updated: 29/01/2025

I hope you haven’t missed that Oikos from 2015 changes cover each month! The photo for each issue is from one of the papers. The January cover photo was taken by David W. Inouye. The paper in questions is “Phenological shifts and the fate of mutualizes” by Nicole Rafferty and co-workers.


Here’s David’s description of the photo:

A male Broadtailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus) visiting a flower of dwarf larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum) near the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, Colorado, USA. The hummingbirds are common at this site, and the larkspur flowers can carpet meadows early in the summer; they are an important nectar source for the birds at the beginning of the breeding season. The male hummingbirds have a slot between their first two primary feathers (visible in the photo), which makes a loud trilling noise as they fly. Nikon D200e camera with a Nikkor 70-200mm lens at 155mm, Nikon R1 flash, iso 250, 1/250 sec, f20.

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