The Festival of Wellbeing: from economic growth to growth in wellbeing Updated for 2025

Updated: 21/02/2025

Join us for a two-day event looking at how we can move away from an obsession with economic growth to a growth in wellbeing. The Festival of Wellbeing is part of a growing movement that aims to put personal, community and planetary wellbeing at the heart of political and social decision-making. Inspiring speakers and entertainment on the Saturday will be followed by a day-long workshop on Sunday.

Saturday 10th October
A day of speeches, music, dance and poetry to explore personal, social and planetary wellbeing held at the Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH.

Programme for Saturday
There will be talks by Satish Kumar, editor-in-chief of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party, Bishop James Jones, Dr Iain McGilchrist, David Lindo, QC Philippe Sands, Scilla Elworthy, James Wallman and Karen Downes. Plus, poetry from Jo Shapcott, Indian dance from Ragasudha and music by Susie Ro Prater.

Sunday 11th October
A days for discussion, ideas and future plans hosted by the Network of Wellbeing at FoE, 139 Clapham Road, London SW9 0HP.

The second day of the festival provides an opportunity to network and explore the ideas presented on day one in more depth. This is a free workshop open to anyone who attends on Saturday. Limited places, so booking is essential. Please note this is held at a different venue to day one. To book a place on the workshop email the Network of Wellbeing

Tickets for Saturday 10th September
£45 individual/£35 concessions    
£15 Indian vegetarian lunch (only available on 11th October)

Book your ticket
Telephone: 01237 441293
Send a cheque payable to The Resurgence Trust to: Resurgence & Ecologist, Ford House, Hartland, Bideford, Devon, EX39 6EE

With thanks to our sponsors and supporters including: Network of Wellbeing, Pukka Herbs, Neal’s Yard Remedies
, Permaculture, Friends of the Earth, Action for Happiness, Network Review, Oxfam, Positive News, Alternatives, New Internationalist, Soil Association and Red Pepper.

This event will raise money for The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity (no. 1120414).


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