Updated: 22/01/2025
Are the subs even capable of firing missiles?
Final tests – At the end of a patrol tests are done to see if the weapons system could have performed a successful launch. These tests let us know if we really were providing the UKs strategic nuclear deterrent / CASD. It had reached the end of my three month patrol. It was time to do WP 186 missile compensation test.
The test was carried out 3 times and it failed, 3 times.
Basically the test showed that the missile compensation system wouldn’t have compensated for the changes in weight of the submarine during missile launches. Which means the missiles would’ve been launched on an unstable platform, if they decided to launch.
Another test was the Battle Readiness Test (BRT) which proves that the muzzle hatches could’ve opened whilst on patrol; if they needed to launch, they could’ve launched. The BRT was cancelled due to the main hydraulic system containing mostly sea water instead of actual hydraulic oil.
Basically they’re endangering the public and spending Billions upon Billions of tax payers money for a system so broken it can’t even do the tests that prove it works.
Five minutes before leaving the boat for leave I walked into the JRs toilets; the whole deck was flooded in a couple inches of brown water. I tried the senior rates and it was the same. This summed the system up.
A Back aft ME told me he was going to tell his family about everything that happens onboard. I said “like what?” He said he was going tell them about how everything onboard is nothing like you expect it to be, everything is broken. He was on the exact same wave length as me. We’d both witnessed a lot, but the amount events we didn’t see is what’s scary.
A code of silence – because there’s too much to lose
I know most people know the Trident programme is a disaster waiting to happen, but they never tell the public. I’ve heard of people getting caught selling information and people writing stuff on Facebook, but I’ve never heard of anybody trying to alert the public.
A lot to lose – One of the main reasons nobody tries to talk about it is they’ve a lot to lose. A SWS submariner in the Royal Navy gets paid quite a lot of money. They’re handing out £50,000 bonuses, to keep people in the job. It’s a good career for education and work experience. There’s been more than a few people go into 6 figure jobs afterwards.
There’s a lot of stories about people getting caught talking about information. People have been caught and punished for putting information of Facebook, so there is a general feeling that you wouldn’t get to say much before being silenced. You’re guaranteed to lose everything, if you talk.
Career, money, everything you own, your freedom, possibly your life, contact with family and friends. It’s a lot to lose especially if you think there’s a good chance you won’t get much information if any out before your caught, and of course there’s good chance any information you do get out will be covered up.
Trident is the biggest threat the UK faces
After rising from the depths I knew I had gained enough information to eliminate the biggest threat the UK faces. I also gained the knowledge that my desire to serve the people no matter what, wasn’t some fantasy. I will sacrifice everything, for the people I serve.
I may be losing a great job, the money, the freedom, and possibly my life, but it’s no longer the fight for those things that drives me; I’m driven by a Vision of a Better World! There’s still one thing that does bring a few tears to my eyes. That’s knowing this might cause my family and friends any kind of emotional pain.
Knowing that my Mum cooked a little too much food for dinner tonight … I can’t finish describing this. Don’t feel bad! I’m here through my own choice; I could’ve kept my career, I could’ve sold the information and made millions. I had choices; its own choice to walk this path and do what is right for the greater good of the people. A Vision of a better World!
If I die it wasn’t suicide. I’m willing to sacrifice everything, but I would never use my own hand to take my life. If I’m killed and this report is made public, there will be a high chance of a violent revolution. I’m not seeking violence.
Mr Cameron – protect a brave a patriotic British hero!
There’s still a good chance of me receiving a pardon from the Prime Minister. I only released selected information, I’m not selling the information to the paper or a foreign government, I will be handing myself in to the police and my desires to serve the people are same as the Prime Minister’s.
I also believe it’s in the Prime Ministers best interest to release me. Prosecuting someone for alerting the people and the Government to a major threat isn’t a good image for someone who serves the people.
I’m realising this information in this way because it’s the only way I can to be sure it gets out. I raised my concerns about the safety and security of the weapon system through the chain of command on multiple occasions.
My concern couldn’t have been any clearer. Multiple times I complained to people of various ranks about being able to walk straight down to the Missile Compartment with a bag on my back which wasn’t checked. With the only security being lazy security guards that don’t check IDs properly.
Another example: I mentioned to a Leading Hand, a Chief and a Warrant officer about how storing rubbish in plastic bags next equipment and wiring that generates heat will cause a repeat of the blazing inferno on 4 deck. I raised concerns for a lot of things, and not once did someone even attempt to make a change.
I seen two paths in front of me. Ignore the threat or risk everything I have to inform the Government and the people.
I was listening in to a conversation in the senior rates mess about the VIPs we get on board at the end of patrol. One of the Chiefs brought up the time he meet the Prime minister, David Cameron. He was treated like every other VIP that comes onboard in the sense he was kept in the dark.
Every time a VIP comes on board the boat becomes a Ghost town, all off watch personnel are to be out of site. No-one can say anything bad about Trident. The focus is always maintained on why we need Trident.
I strongly believe that the Prime Minister and most people that defended Trident had no idea about how dire the situation is. This is not the time to judge on what they did when they didn’t know; it’s about what they do now that they know.
See the first part here.
Willam McNeilly is an Able Seaman in the Royal Navy who has served on the UK’s nuclear submarine fleet. He is currently in hiding following his publication of this report. Follow him on Facebook.
This article represents Willam McNeilly as written barring minor corrections and the insertion of sub-headings. The report was ignored by UK mainstream media until the story was broken By Rob Edwards in the Daily Herald. The original report is available here as a PDF.