Updated: 01/03/2025
Young activists of the UK Youth Climate Coalition (UKYCC) sent a letter to the UK Government calling for a meeting with the Minister of State for Energy and Clean Growth, Claire Perry, to vocalise their concerns over plans for fracking.
Unsurprisingly, they were met with diplomatic silence, with Claire declining a meeting or subsequent engagement, due to a ‘busy schedule’.
Yet in a twist or irony this very same ‘busy schedule’ allowed Claire to meet with INEOS, Shell and Caudrilla among others in April this year, prior to key fracking proposals being pushed through.
Undeterred, UKYCC has today re-launched its campaign to amplify its volume. They are calling on those concerned about fracking and impending climate chaos to sign their petition.
In doing this simple ask, they will send the same letter that fell on deaf ears on your behalf individually signed.
The effect will be to send hundreds of letters (on recycled paper, ofcourse) to Claire Perry, to physically demonstrate the power of small action, and the widespread resistance to Goverment’s aversion to honouring its climate commitments.
The campaign, already signed by Young Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network, has already gained significant traction, most recently endorsed by the Incredible Hulk, Mark Ruffalo.
However, the campaign seems to have eluded the one place it was physically signed, sealed and delivered: Westminster.
In this strange Westminster world where ‘time’ and ‘priority’ become conflated – with both in equal shortage – the UK Youth call again for their voices to be heard.
Chirsty McFadyen, a campaigner in the UKYCC gas campaign said: “When you push fracking through, you frack OUR futures. Fracking is not compatible with our needs.
“Climate change is the most important issue for young people today. Far from being the minority you claim, we are many.”
And with the campaign growing in size and recognition, she’s not wrong.
This Author
Katie Hodgetts coordinates the UK Youth Climate Coalition’s 2018 campaign against gas. More information can be found at @ukycc and Katie tweets personally at @katiehodgettssx
If you feel passionate about a clean, fair, future, then sign the petition send your own photo with the hashtag #DoYouEvenCareClaire to hello@ukycc.org.